Welcome to Trinity Church
Please explore our website to learn more about us. Feel free to contact us if you would like to talk to us in person or if you have further questions. Come visit us anytime!
Our Purpose
To bring glory, honor and worship to God by being a “People of God’s Presence, Visibly Demonstrating the Kingdom of God”. The fulfillment of our purpose will be recognized by those in this family of God actively modeling a surrendered lifestyle to the preeminence of Jesus Christ our Savior and head of the church.
We practically demonstrate God’s kingdom by the empowering presence of Holy Spirit in our lives, embracing “The Great Commandments”, “The Great Commission” and being intentional in discipling others until we all attain to the unity of the faith and of the knowledge of the Son of God, to mature manhood, to the measure of the fullness of Christ; naturally reaching out to our world of influence to share the good news of the kingdom of God.
We practically demonstrate God’s kingdom by the empowering presence of Holy Spirit in our lives, embracing “The Great Commandments”, “The Great Commission” and being intentional in discipling others until we all attain to the unity of the faith and of the knowledge of the Son of God, to mature manhood, to the measure of the fullness of Christ; naturally reaching out to our world of influence to share the good news of the kingdom of God.

Our History
In 1977, a small group of people had a vision to plant a new church in Morton, IL, that would have a core foundation that would restore a New Testament concept of church government. This small group of people was joined by a larger group that met in a house to worship for the first time on Sunday, August 21, 1977. The group soon out grew the house and the local theater and began meeting in one of the schools in Morton. On August 6, 1978, ground was broken for what is the current church building.

On the first Sunday, the church selected 5 elder couples to join with the pastor and his wife as the leadership team. As the church grew, all the church was divided into small groups led by one of the five elder couples. The major decisions were made by seeking the guidance of Holy Spirit and seeking a spiritual consensus, not by voting. A unique characteristic was that Trinity would lead by a team of elders, who met the scriptural qualifications, to lead and minister to the needs of the Body of Christ. The lead pastor serves in consensus with the elder team to carry and implement the vision of the church.
a church that is salt and light to the community.
These principles serve as the foundation of our community and our mission. We continue to seek to be a “Visible Demonstration of the Kingdom of God”.
● A place where the Holy Spirit would have freedom to come and lead
● Worship that is Spirit led, both contemporary and traditional
● Meet the needs of the Body of Christ through the small groups
● Encourage people to find and exercise their God given gifts
● Be a giving and sending church, equipping and sending people out to extend Christ’s Kingdom
● To be a place where all are welcome
● Have a desire to grow and a passion for the lost
● Worship that is Spirit led, both contemporary and traditional
● Meet the needs of the Body of Christ through the small groups
● Encourage people to find and exercise their God given gifts
● Be a giving and sending church, equipping and sending people out to extend Christ’s Kingdom
● To be a place where all are welcome
● Have a desire to grow and a passion for the lost