Comments from Believers

I have been asking many of my fellow believers to answer questions which I feel are being asked by believer and unbelievers alike. Some of these questions are being asked or developed by those in this group.
Please note: This is a modified compilation list of answers to the following question:
“What is Holy Spirit revealing to you today about God, yourself and will that alter what God wants you to change in your life as a disciple serving others in this world?”
Take time to consider what Holy Spirit is saying to you. See how your revelations may align with and/or add to the answers below.
Let Us Grow in Love for God & Each Other for these are The Two Great Commandments.
Please note: This is a modified compilation list of answers to the following question:
“What is Holy Spirit revealing to you today about God, yourself and will that alter what God wants you to change in your life as a disciple serving others in this world?”
Take time to consider what Holy Spirit is saying to you. See how your revelations may align with and/or add to the answers below.
- God is the source of all I need. In fact, He’s my only source. With such an inexhaustible resource, why don’t I trust Him more?
- I should be able to be a little more reckless in my faith. I can afford it! Some attitude adjustment may be needed here!
- God is still on the throne. His plan for man has not changed.
- God is holy, trustworthy, loving, full of mercy & grace. He is not hiding from us but making us more aware of His empowering presence in every situation.
- We have much more to learn in this life. Holy Spirit is willing to help us as much as we will let Him.
- We should continually ask Holy Spirit to take our hearts and heal them by His touch. A spiritually healthy will support our pursuit of God. “You will seek me and find me, when you seek me with all your heart.”
- The Spirit has been revealing to me during these very troubling times; a revelation and it pertains to II Chronicles 7:13-14. Verse 13 relates to those situations that God may allow to happen and even those dire situations that He may choose to bring upon us, which relate directly to sin. Verse 14 says; “If My People, who are called by My Name, shall humble themselves and pray, and seek My Face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from Heaven, and will forgive their sins, and will heal their land.”
- If we are called by His Name, we are Christ-followers. So being, we are told to humble ourselves, pray, and seek Him. We should pondered on this verse and began asking the Holy Spirit to reveal to us any shortcomings in relation to what this verse is speaking.
- God is pure love, and He is also purely a righteous God. His expectations of His People is that we must repent of our sins and He will forgive them. These are those things that the Spirit is revealing to me pertaining to God.
- God lets me know that prayerful repentance will bring righteousness, reconnection with Father. The Spirit reminds me that I could be more humble, pray more, cooperate with Holy Spirit on turning away from my “wicked” ways. I love the Lord but I’m a work in progress.
- What the Spirit reveals to me, heightens my expectations of my own service to others. Sadly, it sometimes takes a catastrophe such as we are experiencing now, to come up to the level that God expects us to be at, as close to Him as possible.
- As a disciple of our Lord and Savior, I will try everything in my power, coupled with the power of the Holy Spirit who indwells me, to serve all people whom the Father puts in my path.
- It seems that throughout all history the message is always clear…..REPENT. as you read the Old Testament the children of Israel always were being told… If you are faithful to Me, I will be faithful to you and cause you to prosper. If you obey and follow God’s commands, He would keep all these diseases from coming on you. This message has been true through all these millennia and still true today.
- I feel Holy Spirit is saying that we need to get back to seeking and serving God with ALL of our hearts, soul, and mind. This is how we get to look like Jesus. But it starts by humbling ourselves and looking to God, who is the finisher and perfecter of our Faith.
- God is calling up to get right and to draw near to him. Get rid of the hinderances and sin that keep us from growing and getting closer to God. God is the only one who will keep us and cause us to prosper in these times. Again the scripture in Matthew rings our “look up for your redemption draws nigh.”
- Holy Spirit is highlighting the lovingkindness and tender mercy of our Father. I hear him calling to ALL He has given to HIs Son, Jesus...
- Joel 2:12-13 "Yet even NOW, return to Me with ALL your heart...Rend your HEART and not your garments. NOW return to the Lord your God. For I AM... GRACIOUS and COMPASSIONATE, SLOW to anger, ABOUNDING in LOVINGKINDNESS and relenting of evil."
- Heb.4 exhorts us, "TODAY enter into His Sabbath REST." He had to put the whole world on "PAUSE" to get some things in order. He is using what the enemy means for evil to:
- ALIGN the nations with His plan and purpose in this hour to bring about a great HARVEST
- AWAKEN His Bride and bring His DIVINE ORDER into our lives individually and corporately so we have greater strength going forward in the days ahead.
- PREPARED for the days ahead. Holy Spirit is showing us to DECLARE that OLD cycles are BROKEN in our lives; and we are moving into the NEW assignment He has for us in this hour. We all need to go forward with MORE GRACE, MORE INTENTION, MORE CONFIDENCE.
- Our Prayer ought to be “show me Lord Jesus to walk through my neighborhood and in the marketplace sharing the message Papa is giving me with those He has placed in my life knowing that as we EXECUTE the Word of the Lord, we are STRONG and POWERFUL! (Joel 2:11)
- The Holy Spirit is revealing to me the action love and its direct connection to God. It is in the way it is highlighted to me that makes it a new revelation. I’ve heard it so many times but now I hear it. The following scriptures from I John is what has stood out to me the past couple weeks and I keep going back to them and rereading (NIV version).
- This was the first to stand out at me:
- (1:1) That which was from the beginning, which we have HEARD, which we have SEEN with our EYES, which we have looked at and OUR HANDS HAVE TOUCHED-this we proclaim concerning THE WORD OF LIFE. There is something in me that connected with the reality of my physical senses of my ears hearing, my eyes seeing and my hands touching the word of life. The word of life means to me (in this moment) the actual physical being of God.
- I know I have heard God and seen God just as I hear and see any person in my life. I keep asking, “have I ever touched God?” The instant answer is yes- but I can’t say when. I keep praying for God to show me this answer- of when I have touched Him. I believe He will show me the time, but I am still waiting.
- This is the second part to stand out at me:
- (4:12) ….if we love one another, God lives in us and his love is made complete in us. What does God’s complete love look like? I try to imagine as God is living in me: that fact is great, but what would I look like and be if I could 100% love like God loves me? I know my heart holds back from certain people, which prevents God’s love being complete in me. Not that He withholds love-His is complete in me- but for it to really be complete in me my part has to be complete. Which I know it is not. Can we as human beings truly say we have reached complete love?
- (4:16) … God is love. Whoever lives in love lives in God, and God in him. (4:18) There is no fear in love. But perfect love drives out fear because fear has to do with punishment.
- (4:20) If anyone says, “I love God,” yet hates his brother, he is a liar. For anyone that does not love his brother, whom he has seen, cannot love God whom he has not seen.
- (4:21) … this command: Whoever loves God must also love his brother. God is calling his people to a closer place with him. Drawing his people to a deeper trust. It calls me to seek his heart & face & testify of his saving grace. For me personally the cry goes deep to be richer in him to know he is with us always calling us out of the world's ways.
- This was the first to stand out at me:
- With God we know a true & deeper knowing everything is in his hands. Our lives & everything around us is truly held by his hands & timings. So, relax enjoy the days we must share with others his great love through divine living. Worry and fear Have no place. Our fears can't stand in his love. Live as if there is no tomorrow give our best.
- I will say that the overall thing that I feel that God is revealing more to me is how much he desires to have a relationship with us (similar in which I desire to have a relationship with my dad but how people constantly reject that love); how we love and care for one another/neighbor not expecting anything in return and putting ourselves first above someone else (my love for others)...especially during these "social distancing" times so that my/our love does not grow cold, and as for will...that you have to purposefully will yourself to do these things sometimes because our tendency is to look out for ourselves first and our neighbor second.
- On a side note... Where's the trust in God that He will supply all of our needs if we're looking out for #one me-first and we see a person in a store whom we don't know in need of something that we have in our shopping cart? Holy Spirit has been revealing to me the many different personalities that exist in his body. Even so much as to help me learn more about who I am and why/how I see and react to things like I do. As I recognize that people can look at the same thing and see things very differently it moves me to imagine and align my love for others as God sees and loves each one of us.
- As we look at a biblical approach to the enneagram and are proceeding to learn about the 5 languages of Apology and the five languages of Love, I am challenged to have more understanding and more grace (something that I have to work at) for those that I am blessed to have a relationship with.
Let Us Grow in Love for God & Each Other for these are The Two Great Commandments.
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