End Times and God's Timetable - Part 1

Two questions have been asked of me in the last couple weeks:
In this first of 3 blogs, regarding these two questions, I will be sharing material for you to consider whether we are in the last days and whether we are or not how to prepare for any future events.
In this blog, I will answer the second question first...
My comments on the dreams of Pastor Dana Coverstone. (see on YouTube search his name & dream . . . https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g7mt6Tb8yjI)
See also an excellent response, by Michael French, on Pastor Coverstone’s dreams at... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=slxU0qEFIdo
I will not rehearse his dream here but assume you have seen it. He speaks of hard times coming and to be braced for it. This is my response:
I could have listed scriptures to show how God will be with His people and protect them in all situations. Remember you don’t always know what God is up to but it will never be to harm us. I recommend to go to the internet and do a search for “How God protects his people” you will be exhausted trying to read ALL the examples/scriptures that reveal His unlimited love, safeguard and defense of us. God said He would go before us and be our rear guard.
We are children of God and we were not made to walk in fear, but power and authority given to us by Holy Spirit. Rom.8:15; 2Tim. 1:7
Pastor Dana is an AG pastor whom I assume is well versed in the power, protection, and guidance of Holy Spirit. I’m convinced that he has heard from God in his dreams. Our response should also embrace the guidance of Holy Spirit.
I will not say that people who feel they need to get guns & stockpile food etc. are out of the will of God. That should be based on what they as individuals hear from God. I will say for me: guns & stockpiling is not where I put my confidence. My hope is in the word of God and the power of Holy Spirit. My personal belief is guns and hoarding should be traded for sickles & sacrifice to a dying world.
Now more than ever is the best time to let the kingdom of God be seen in His people living the fullness of the FRUIT of the Spirit and using the GIFTS of Holy Spirit to show the world a love they have never known before.
Will the fruit of the Spirit be seen in us, or will the world see fear, doubt, and confusion in the body of Christ?sus was, is, and will always be our example of how we should represent Father God and His kingdom to the world. Any other example will not hold to the test of the KINGDOM!
I have so much more to say about the times we live in but cannot put it all in print. If you have any questions for me please contact me at trinity@trinitychurchmorton.org, or 309-263-8808. We at Trinity church love to dialog regarding Our Lord and King Jesus Christ.
- The first “Where are we in God’s timetable of events?” (end times)
- The second question “what is your take on the dreams of Pastor Dana Coverstrone?” (Dreams of current and future events seen on YouTube)
In this first of 3 blogs, regarding these two questions, I will be sharing material for you to consider whether we are in the last days and whether we are or not how to prepare for any future events.
In this blog, I will answer the second question first...
My comments on the dreams of Pastor Dana Coverstone. (see on YouTube search his name & dream . . . https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g7mt6Tb8yjI)
See also an excellent response, by Michael French, on Pastor Coverstone’s dreams at... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=slxU0qEFIdo
I will not rehearse his dream here but assume you have seen it. He speaks of hard times coming and to be braced for it. This is my response:
- I appreciate the voice of the Lord shared from dreams, visions & a prophetic word of God through His people. That includes Pastor Coverstone.
- All words spoken or expressed should be examined by other people of God & mostly to verify they are in line with scripture.
- Most prophetic words, dreams & visions will not only have a primary statement but will also have underlying guidance or action to respond to the word given. Such as “if my people, so then take heed, consider the cost, go and do, prepare the people for actions, prepare the way of the Lord, etc." As Pastor Paul Backhaus has stated there should be some redeeming element to a prophetic word. This is seen throughout scriptures. (There are a few exceptions where the people knew what the prophetic word meant and then could make a decision to accept or reject.)
- Pastor Dana warned us to be braced. That is a good word. We simply need to ask ourselves “am I braced or clenched/standing on The Rock?”
- The Rock, Jesus Christ is solid and will not be moved (Heb.12:25-29). Avoid the sand and you will be safe. (Mt. 7:24-27). This is simply putting the word into practice.
- Yes! We are in troubled times, but let us stop and remember many of the past troubled times. We were able to endure to the end of each period of trouble. Not only did we endure we became overcomers. (limited list)
- Civil war
- 1st World war
- 2nd world war
- Racial discord (mostly in the south)
- Korean war
- Vietnam war (unrest by many in the US)
- Campus unrest and killing of 4 students
- Iraq war
- Afghanistan war
- 9/11 attack on America
- Untold religious wars throughout the history of the world.
If you are concerned about hard times coming, remember that Jesus said, "in the world, there will be trouble but be of good cheer (let not your hearts be troubled) I have overcome the world." Jn. 16:33; Jn.14:1,7; Mt 6:24.
I could have listed scriptures to show how God will be with His people and protect them in all situations. Remember you don’t always know what God is up to but it will never be to harm us. I recommend to go to the internet and do a search for “How God protects his people” you will be exhausted trying to read ALL the examples/scriptures that reveal His unlimited love, safeguard and defense of us. God said He would go before us and be our rear guard.
We are children of God and we were not made to walk in fear, but power and authority given to us by Holy Spirit. Rom.8:15; 2Tim. 1:7
Pastor Dana is an AG pastor whom I assume is well versed in the power, protection, and guidance of Holy Spirit. I’m convinced that he has heard from God in his dreams. Our response should also embrace the guidance of Holy Spirit.
I will not say that people who feel they need to get guns & stockpile food etc. are out of the will of God. That should be based on what they as individuals hear from God. I will say for me: guns & stockpiling is not where I put my confidence. My hope is in the word of God and the power of Holy Spirit. My personal belief is guns and hoarding should be traded for sickles & sacrifice to a dying world.
Now more than ever is the best time to let the kingdom of God be seen in His people living the fullness of the FRUIT of the Spirit and using the GIFTS of Holy Spirit to show the world a love they have never known before.
Will the fruit of the Spirit be seen in us, or will the world see fear, doubt, and confusion in the body of Christ?sus was, is, and will always be our example of how we should represent Father God and His kingdom to the world. Any other example will not hold to the test of the KINGDOM!
I have so much more to say about the times we live in but cannot put it all in print. If you have any questions for me please contact me at trinity@trinitychurchmorton.org, or 309-263-8808. We at Trinity church love to dialog regarding Our Lord and King Jesus Christ.
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