Fusion Prayer Labyrinth

Over the past few years, Trinity Church has offered a special activity during the transition from one year to the next . . . a PRAYER LABYRINTH. The concept of a labyrinth is not a new thing; they have been used by the church for hundreds, if not thousands of years as a method of prayer and meditation for those seeking to deepen their communion with God.
The Fusion Labyrinth is a prayer experience focused on the synthesis of our FREEDOM FROM unhealthy patterns of thought and behavior and the FREEDOM TO engage with God in the dreams, desires, and plans He has deposited in our lives. The labyrinth path is a spiral inward and then back out again. Along the way, activities and meditations are offered to help focus our hearts, minds, and bodies on God's greatness, goodness, and glory!
The path inward emphasizes our union with Christ and the freedoms that He is releasing in our lives. As we offer God all the good, bad, ugly, and beautiful in our lives, He gives us priceless treasure in return. The journey outward explores the unity we share with others. The deposits of God in our lives are meant to be shared. The outward spiral of the labyrinth focuses our hearts and minds on releasing what Holy Spirit has given. We embrace a mystery of God's Kingdom: what we cling to often slips away, but what we give away is multiplied.
The Fusion Labyrinth is open to anyone on December 30th (Saturday) and December 31st (Sunday) from 1-11 PM both days. Click this link to sign up: https://tinyurl.com/fusion2024
Here is a preview of a station from the labyrinth:
Scripture: Ephesians 1:17-18
Meditation: Lord, may your Spirit give me eyes to see the Truth of Jesus even when everything else is dark and uncertain.
Activity: Mirrors and Light
Jesus is the light of the world, and His light that reveals the truth. We need our eyes to be enlightened to know the hope, riches, and power He has for those who believe. Do you have seemingly hopeless circumstances or situations in your life? Are aspects of your life shrouded in uncertainty and darkness? Ask God’s Spirit of wisdom and revelation to enlighten areas in your life where you feel confused, lost, or hopeless.
When you have a word or phrase which represents that area/circumstance/aspect in your life, take a piece of aluminum foil and pray that God’s Word - Jesus - would light your path. Write the word or phrase on the foil, then crumble it and drop it in the jar. See how it reflects the light in beautiful, new ways? When we expose these areas of our life to the LIGHT we reflect the glory of God! How does this feel?
The Fusion Labyrinth is a prayer experience focused on the synthesis of our FREEDOM FROM unhealthy patterns of thought and behavior and the FREEDOM TO engage with God in the dreams, desires, and plans He has deposited in our lives. The labyrinth path is a spiral inward and then back out again. Along the way, activities and meditations are offered to help focus our hearts, minds, and bodies on God's greatness, goodness, and glory!
The path inward emphasizes our union with Christ and the freedoms that He is releasing in our lives. As we offer God all the good, bad, ugly, and beautiful in our lives, He gives us priceless treasure in return. The journey outward explores the unity we share with others. The deposits of God in our lives are meant to be shared. The outward spiral of the labyrinth focuses our hearts and minds on releasing what Holy Spirit has given. We embrace a mystery of God's Kingdom: what we cling to often slips away, but what we give away is multiplied.
The Fusion Labyrinth is open to anyone on December 30th (Saturday) and December 31st (Sunday) from 1-11 PM both days. Click this link to sign up: https://tinyurl.com/fusion2024
Here is a preview of a station from the labyrinth:
Scripture: Ephesians 1:17-18
Meditation: Lord, may your Spirit give me eyes to see the Truth of Jesus even when everything else is dark and uncertain.
Activity: Mirrors and Light
Jesus is the light of the world, and His light that reveals the truth. We need our eyes to be enlightened to know the hope, riches, and power He has for those who believe. Do you have seemingly hopeless circumstances or situations in your life? Are aspects of your life shrouded in uncertainty and darkness? Ask God’s Spirit of wisdom and revelation to enlighten areas in your life where you feel confused, lost, or hopeless.
When you have a word or phrase which represents that area/circumstance/aspect in your life, take a piece of aluminum foil and pray that God’s Word - Jesus - would light your path. Write the word or phrase on the foil, then crumble it and drop it in the jar. See how it reflects the light in beautiful, new ways? When we expose these areas of our life to the LIGHT we reflect the glory of God! How does this feel?
Posted in Pray, Contemplative, Holy Spirit, Spiritual Disciplines, Spiritual Life, Growing, Abide, Rest, Freedom
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