Are We Spirit Beings?
We have heard for years that we are triune man (mankind). There is no doubt scriptural evidence proves this is true to a certain degree. Exploring the many times three levels of man or principle states of spiritual growth are seen in scripture helps us understand a difference in one dimension of being to another. To support this basic triune principle, see a few examples in the 3-column table below:
1 | 2 | 3 |
Body | Soul | Spirit |
Outer court | Inner Court | Holy of Holies |
Feast of Passover | Feast of Pentecost | Feast of Tabernacles |
Way | Truth | Life |
Children | Young Men | Fathers |
Ask | Seek | Knock |
Priest | High Priest | Most High Priest |
30-Fold | 60-Fold | 100-Fold |
Logos-Word | Rhema-Word | Zoe-Word |
In these few examples above you can see a progression in value or importance. God created all we have need of to live a fully developed Christian life. He also prepared a journey we each will travel. Just as we would never expect a baby to live like a young man or woman, we also would not expect a young man or woman to live like a more mature person with broad life experience. In the same way God, The Father, as our master designer, supports our growth through the example of Jesus’ way of life, teaching and the guidance of Holy Spirit.
The examples of spiritually maturing men and women in the bible is quite clear. Each one through life’s experiences and guidance of Holy Spirit grew in a deeper relationship with God. It is the same with us today. If we are willing God will grow us up in Christ throughout life.
Looking at the biblical examples, in the above table, take note of an extremely important point. Where is our focus and who are we in God’s eyes? What was God’s intent when He created us? Was it to be only those found in the first column of the table? I believe our Father created us as a finished spiritual being. Yes, there is a growth process and we all will start at the beginning. However, if we focus on or remain in the first column of life, we will not come into the fullness God desired for ALL of us.
There is no progression in the above table of Father, Son and Holy Spirit because they are one and complete in wholeness and have always been complete.
My point in this blog is to help us all see we are to find ourselves in the place God intended from the beginning. When we see we are spirit man (mankind) we will dwell in the holy of Holies, Feast at the table of God, live the fullness of life, become a father of the faith, knock on the depths of God’s heart, walk as a qualified priest of the kingdom, produce 100 fold through the power of Holy Spirit and be a true living epistle of the word of God seen and read of all men.
Would you agree with me that we are to live as God created us “spirit beings” and nothing less. God said “let us make man in our image and our likeness. He breathed the SPIRIT of life into us ” God is Spirit. We will worship Him in spirit and truth. Amen.
The examples of spiritually maturing men and women in the bible is quite clear. Each one through life’s experiences and guidance of Holy Spirit grew in a deeper relationship with God. It is the same with us today. If we are willing God will grow us up in Christ throughout life.
Looking at the biblical examples, in the above table, take note of an extremely important point. Where is our focus and who are we in God’s eyes? What was God’s intent when He created us? Was it to be only those found in the first column of the table? I believe our Father created us as a finished spiritual being. Yes, there is a growth process and we all will start at the beginning. However, if we focus on or remain in the first column of life, we will not come into the fullness God desired for ALL of us.
There is no progression in the above table of Father, Son and Holy Spirit because they are one and complete in wholeness and have always been complete.
My point in this blog is to help us all see we are to find ourselves in the place God intended from the beginning. When we see we are spirit man (mankind) we will dwell in the holy of Holies, Feast at the table of God, live the fullness of life, become a father of the faith, knock on the depths of God’s heart, walk as a qualified priest of the kingdom, produce 100 fold through the power of Holy Spirit and be a true living epistle of the word of God seen and read of all men.
Would you agree with me that we are to live as God created us “spirit beings” and nothing less. God said “let us make man in our image and our likeness. He breathed the SPIRIT of life into us ” God is Spirit. We will worship Him in spirit and truth. Amen.

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